Catalina Airport to Little Harbor

120 minutes

Miles Instructions Interval Direction
0.0 Zero odometer and depart airport. 0
0.1 Turn right onto gravel road toward Little Harbor. 0.1
5.1 Hairpin right. 5
6.0 Follow the road to the right. 0.9
6.1 Fork right. 0.1
8.2 Turn right and then immediate left uphill. 2.1
9.1 Keep left. 0.9
9.5 Turn right at T. 0.4
11.2 Continue straight through gate. 1.7
12.2 Continue straight. 1
12.4 Keep right. 0.2
12.6 Turn left. 0.2
12.7 Turn right and continue straight uphill. 0.1
13.8 Keep left. 1.1
15.1 Keep left again. 1.3
15.5 Driver change point at rest room. 0.4
17.1 Turn left up steep hill onto Watertank Road. Engage Grip Control. 1.6
17.4 Continue straight through gates. 0.3
17.5 Engage X-Mode 0.1
17.9 Caution, keep to the right of yellow Bison sign over crest. 0.4
18.2 Caution, straight over crest. Engage X-Mode to experience Hill Decent Control. 0.3
18.7 Keep left. 0.5
19.7 Continue straight through gate. 1
20.1 Keep left. 0.4
20.9 Turn right at intersection onto Trans Catalina Trail and continue straight uphill. 0.8
21.1 Continue straight. 0.2
21.4 Continue straight again. 0.3
22.0 Keep left. 0.6
22.1 Continue straight through gate. 0.1
22.7 Caution, keep right over crest. 0.6
22.8 Keep left. 0.1
23.3 Turn right. 0.5
26.6 Turn right and then immediate left into Little Harbor Campground Overlook. 3.3
26.7 Arrive at lunch, please park as directed. 0.1

Emergency Contact
Jon Steele: +1 (404) 520-7467
If in an accident, injured, or facing a life-threatening emergency, call 911.